Module topicnet.cooking_machine.models.scores

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from .example_score import ScoreExample
from .intratext_coherence_score import IntratextCoherenceScore
from .blei_lafferty_score import BleiLaffertyScore
from .semantic_radius_score import SemanticRadiusScore

__all__ = ["ScoreExample", "IntratextCoherenceScore", "BleiLaffertyScore", "SemanticRadiusScore"]


class BleiLaffertyScore (name: str = None, num_top_tokens: int = 30, should_compute: Callable[[int], bool] = None)

This score implements method described in 2009 paper Blei, David M., and John D. Lafferty. "Topic models." Text Mining. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2009. 101-124. At the core this score helps to discover tokens that are most likely to describe given topic. Summing up that score helps to estimate how well the model distinguishes between topics. The higher this score - better


name of the score
num_top_tokens : int
now many tokens we consider to be
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class BleiLaffertyScore(BaseScore):
    This score implements method described in 2009 paper
    Blei, David M., and John D. Lafferty. "Topic models." Text Mining.
    Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2009. 101-124.
    At the core this score helps to discover tokens that are most likely
    to describe given topic. Summing up that score helps to estimate how
    well the model distinguishes between topics. The higher this score - better
    def __init__(
            name: str = None,
            num_top_tokens: int = 30,
            should_compute: Callable[[int], bool] = None):

            name of the score
        num_top_tokens : int
            now many tokens we consider to be

        super().__init__(name=name, should_compute=should_compute)

        self.num_top_tokens = num_top_tokens

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(num_top_tokens={self.num_top_tokens})'

    def _compute_blei_scores(self, phi):
        Computes Blei score  
        phi[wt] * [log(phi[wt]) - 1/T sum_k log(phi[wk])]

        phi : pd.Dataframe
            phi matrix of the model

        score : pd.Dataframe
            wheighted phi matrix

        """  # noqa: W291

        topic_number = phi.shape[1]
        blei_eps = 1e-42
        log_phi = np.log(phi + blei_eps)
        numerator = np.sum(log_phi, axis=1)
        numerator = numerator.to_numpy()[:, np.newaxis]

        if hasattr(log_phi, "values"):
            multiplier = log_phi.values - numerator / topic_number
            multiplier = log_phi - numerator / topic_number

        scores = phi * multiplier
        return scores

    def call(self, model, **kwargs):
        modalities = list(model.class_ids.keys())

        score = 0
        for modality in modalities:
            phi = model.get_phi(class_ids=modality)
            modality_scores = np.sort(self._compute_blei_scores(phi).values)
            score += np.sum(modality_scores[-self.num_top_tokens:, :])
        if modalities is None:
            phi = model.get_phi()
            modality_scores = np.sort(self._compute_blei_scores(phi).values)
            score = np.sum(modality_scores[-self.num_top_tokens:, :])
        return score


Inherited members

class IntratextCoherenceScore (dataset: Union[Dataset, str], name: str = None, should_compute: Callable[[int], bool] = None, keep_dataset_in_memory: bool = None, keep_dataset: bool = True, documents: List[str] = None, documents_fraction: float = 1.0, text_type: TextType = TextType.VW_TEXT, computation_method: ComputationMethod = ComputationMethod.SEGMENT_WEIGHT, word_topic_relatedness: WordTopicRelatednessType = WordTopicRelatednessType.PWT, specificity_estimation: SpecificityEstimationMethod = SpecificityEstimationMethod.NONE, max_num_out_of_topic_words: int = 10, window: int = 20, start_fit_iteration: int = 0, fit_iteration_step: int = 1, seed: int = 11221963, verbose: bool = False)

Computes intratext coherence

For each topic of topic model its distribution throughout document collection is observed. Hypothetically, the better the topic, the more often it is represented by long segments of words highly related to the topic. The score tries to bring to life this idea.

For more details one may see the article


Name of the score
dataset : Dataset
Dataset with document collection, or path to dataset (any model passed to call() is supposed to be trained on it)
Whether to keep dataset in memory or not (parameter _small_data of the dataset object). If dataset is given as object of type Dataset (and not as str path to dataset), the parameter will be set equal to dataset._small_data. Otherwise, the default value is True and dataset._small_data will be overwritten.
Whether to keep dataset constantly as inner part of the score, or recreate it for each call() invocation and then dispose
documents : list of str
Which documents from the dataset are to be used for computing coherence
The fraction of all the documents in the Dataset to be used for coherence computation if documents parameter is not specified
text_type : TextType
What text to use when computing coherence: raw text or VW text Preferable to use VW (as it is usually preprocessed, stop-words removed etc.), and with words in natural order. Score needs "real" text to compute coherence
computation_method : ComputationMethod
The way to compute intra-text coherence
word_topic_relatedness : WordTopicRelatednessType
How to estimate word relevance to topic: using p(w | t) or p(t | w)
specificity_estimation : SpecificityEstimationMethod
How to estimate specificity of word to topic
max_num_out_of_topic_words : int
In case computation_method = ComputationMethod.SEGMENT_LENGTH or ComputationMethod.SEGMENT_WEIGHT: Maximum number of words not of the topic which can be encountered without stopping the process of adding words to the current segment
window : int
In case computation_method = ComputationMethod.SUM_OVER_WINDOW: Window width. So the window will be the words with positions in [current position - window / 2, current position + window / 2)
Indicates how many calls are skipped before the actual score is calculated. Replaces not calculated values with placeholders (for consistency of score values with number of model fit iterations).
Number of iterations between invocations which actually update the score
Random seed used for documents subsampling if documents parameter is not specified


Parameters start_fit_iteration and fit_iteration_step are introduced to reduce the time needed for one model training. If one is interested only in the last score value at the end of the training process (and not in the dependence of score on iteration), one should adjust start_fit_iteration and fit_iteration_step correspondingly. For example:

>>> # dataset = Dataset(...)
>>> # topic_model = TopicModel(...)
>>> num_iterations = 100
>>> topic_model.custom_scores['intratext_coherence'] = IntratextCoherenceScore(
>>>     dataset,
>>>     start_fit_iteration=num_iterations - 1  # last iteration: starting from zero
>>> )
>>> topic_model._fit(dataset.get_batch_vectorizer(), num_iterations=num_iterations)
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class IntratextCoherenceScore(BaseScore):
    """Computes intratext coherence

    For each topic of topic model its distribution throughout document collection is observed.
    Hypothetically, the better the topic, the more often it is represented by
    long segments of words highly related to the topic.
    The score tries to bring to life this idea.

    For more details one may see the article
    def __init__(  # noqa: C901
            dataset: Union[Dataset, str],
            name: str = None,
            should_compute: Callable[[int], bool] = None,
            keep_dataset_in_memory: bool = None,
            keep_dataset: bool = True,
            documents: List[str] = None,
            documents_fraction: float = 1.0,
            text_type: TextType = TextType.VW_TEXT,
            computation_method: ComputationMethod = ComputationMethod.SEGMENT_WEIGHT,
            word_topic_relatedness: WordTopicRelatednessType = WordTopicRelatednessType.PWT,
            specificity_estimation: SpecificityEstimationMethod = SpecificityEstimationMethod.NONE,
            max_num_out_of_topic_words: int = 10,
            window: int = 20,
            start_fit_iteration: int = 0,
            fit_iteration_step: int = 1,
            seed: int = 11221963,
            verbose: bool = False,
            Name of the score
        dataset : Dataset
            Dataset with document collection, or path to dataset
            (any model passed to `call()` is supposed to be trained on it)
            Whether to keep `dataset` in memory or not
            (parameter `_small_data` of the `dataset` object).
            If `dataset` is given as object of type `Dataset` (and not as `str` path to dataset),
            the parameter will be set equal to `dataset._small_data`.
            Otherwise, the default value is `True` and `dataset._small_data` will be overwritten.
            Whether to keep `dataset` constantly as inner part of the score,
            or recreate it for each `call()` invocation and then dispose
        documents : list of str
            Which documents from the dataset are to be used for computing coherence
            The fraction of all the documents in the Dataset to be used for coherence computation
            if `documents` parameter is not specified
        text_type : TextType
            What text to use when computing coherence: raw text or VW text
            Preferable to use VW (as it is usually preprocessed, stop-words removed etc.),
            and with words in *natural order*.
            Score needs "real" text to compute coherence
        computation_method : ComputationMethod
            The way to compute intra-text coherence
        word_topic_relatedness : WordTopicRelatednessType
            How to estimate word relevance to topic: using p(w | t) or p(t | w)
        specificity_estimation : SpecificityEstimationMethod
            How to estimate specificity of word to topic
        max_num_out_of_topic_words : int
            In case computation_method = ComputationMethod.SEGMENT_LENGTH or
            Maximum number of words not of the topic which can be encountered without stopping
            the process of adding words to the current segment
        window : int
            In case computation_method = ComputationMethod.SUM_OVER_WINDOW:
            Window width. So the window will be the words with positions
            in [current position - window / 2, current position + window / 2)
            Indicates how many calls are skipped before the actual score is calculated.
            Replaces not calculated values with placeholders
            (for consistency of score values with number of model fit iterations).
            Number of iterations between `` invocations which actually update the score
            Random seed used for documents subsampling if `documents` parameter is not specified
        Parameters `start_fit_iteration` and `fit_iteration_step` are introduced
        to reduce the time needed for one model training.
        If one is interested only in the last score value
        at the end of the training process (and not in the dependence of score on iteration),
        one should adjust `start_fit_iteration` and `fit_iteration_step` correspondingly.
        For example:

        >>> # dataset = Dataset(...)
        >>> # topic_model = TopicModel(...)
        >>> num_iterations = 100
        >>> topic_model.custom_scores['intratext_coherence'] = IntratextCoherenceScore(
        >>>     dataset,
        >>>     start_fit_iteration=num_iterations - 1  # last iteration: starting from zero
        >>> )
        >>> topic_model._fit(dataset.get_batch_vectorizer(), num_iterations=num_iterations)
        # TODO: word_topic_relatedness seems to be connected with TopTokensViewer stuff
        super().__init__(name=name, should_compute=should_compute)

        self._keep_dataset = keep_dataset

        if isinstance(dataset, str):
            if keep_dataset_in_memory is None:
                keep_dataset_in_memory = True

            dataset = Dataset(data_path=dataset, keep_in_memory=keep_dataset_in_memory)

        self._keep_dataset_in_memory = dataset._small_data

        if not isinstance(dataset, Dataset):
            raise TypeError(
                f'Got "{type(dataset)}" as \"dataset\". Expect it to derive from "Dataset"')

        if not isinstance(text_type, TextType):
            raise TypeError(
                f'Wrong "text_type": \"{text_type}\". '
                f'Expect to be \"{TextType}\"')

        if not isinstance(computation_method, ComputationMethod):
            raise TypeError(
                f'Wrong "computation_method": \"{computation_method}\". '
                f'Expect to be \"{ComputationMethod}\"')

        if not isinstance(word_topic_relatedness, WordTopicRelatednessType):
            raise TypeError(
                f'Wrong "word_topic_relatedness": \"{word_topic_relatedness}\". '
                f'Expect to be \"{WordTopicRelatednessType}\"')

        if not isinstance(specificity_estimation, SpecificityEstimationMethod):
            raise TypeError(
                f'Wrong "specificity_estimation": \"{specificity_estimation}\". '
                f'Expect to be \"{SpecificityEstimationMethod}\"')

        if not isinstance(max_num_out_of_topic_words, int):
            raise TypeError(
                f'Wrong "max_num_out_of_topic_words": \"{max_num_out_of_topic_words}\". '
                f'Expect to be \"int\"')

        if not isinstance(window, int):
            raise TypeError(f'Wrong "window": \"{window}\". Expect to be \"int\"')

        if window < 0 or (window == 0 and computation_method == ComputationMethod.SUM_OVER_WINDOW):
            raise ValueError(
                f'Wrong value for "window": \"{window}\". '
                f'Expect to be non-negative. And greater than zero in case '
                f'computation_method == ComputationMethod.SUM_OVER_WINDOW')

        if not isinstance(start_fit_iteration, int):
            raise TypeError(
                f'Wrong "start_fit_iteration": \"{start_fit_iteration}\".'
                f' Expect to be \"int\"'

        if not isinstance(fit_iteration_step, int):
            raise TypeError(
                f'Wrong "fit_iteration_step": \"{start_fit_iteration}\".'
                f' Expect to be \"int\"'
        if fit_iteration_step <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Wrong "fit_iteration_step": \"{fit_iteration_step}\".'
                f' Expect to be > 0'

        if documents_fraction <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Wrong "documents_fraction": \"{documents_fraction}\".'
                f' Expect to be in (0, 1]'
        if documents_fraction > 1.0:
                f'Parameter documents_fraction={documents_fraction} can\'t be bigger than 1.0'
                f' Setting it equal to 1.0'

            documents_fraction = 1.0

        self._dataset = dataset
        self._dataset_file_path = dataset._data_path
        self._dataset_internals_folder_path = dataset._internals_folder_path

        self._text_type = text_type
        self._computation_method = computation_method
        self._word_topic_relatedness = word_topic_relatedness
        self._specificity_estimation_method = specificity_estimation
        self._max_num_out_of_topic_words = max_num_out_of_topic_words
        self._window = window

        self._verbose = verbose

        self._current_iteration = 0
        self._start_fit_iteration = start_fit_iteration
        self._fit_iteration_step = fit_iteration_step

        if documents is not None:
            self._documents = documents
            all_documents = list(self._dataset.get_dataset().index)
            documents_fraction = min(documents_fraction, 1.0)
            num_documents_to_choose = int(
                np.ceil(len(all_documents) * documents_fraction)
            custom_random = np.random.RandomState(seed)

            self._documents = list(

    def __repr__(self):
        return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}('

    def dataset(self) -> Dataset:
        return self._dataset

    def dataset(self, new_dataset: Dataset) -> None:
        self._dataset = new_dataset
        self._dataset_file_path = new_dataset._data_path
        self._dataset_internals_folder_path = new_dataset._internals_folder_path
        self._keep_dataset_in_memory = new_dataset._small_data

    def save(self, path: str) -> None:
        dataset = self._dataset
        self._dataset = None

        with open(path, 'wb') as f:
            dill.dump(self, f)

        self._dataset = dataset

    def load(cls, path: str):



        score: IntratextCoherenceScore

        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
            score = dill.load(f)

        if not score._keep_dataset:
            score._dataset = None
            score._dataset = Dataset(

        return score

    def call(self, model: BaseModel, **kwargs) -> float:
        if (self._current_iteration - self._start_fit_iteration) % self._fit_iteration_step != 0:
            self._current_iteration += 1

            return float('nan')

            if self._dataset is None:
                self._dataset = Dataset(

            topic_coherences = self.compute(model, None)

            coherence_values = list(
                v if v is not None else 0.0  # TODO: state the behavior clearer somehow
                for v in topic_coherences.values()

            self._current_iteration += 1

            return float(np.median(coherence_values))  # TODO: or mean?

            if not self._keep_dataset:
                self._dataset = None

    def compute(
            model: BaseModel,
            topics: List[str] = None,
            documents: List[str] = None
    ) -> Dict[str, Optional[float]]:

        if not isinstance(model, BaseModel):
            raise TypeError(
                f'Got "{type(model)}" as "model". '
                f'Expect it to derive from "BaseModel"')

        if topics is None:
            topics = IntratextCoherenceScore._get_topics(model)

        if documents is None:
            documents = list(self._documents)

        if not isinstance(topics, list):
            raise TypeError(
                f'Got "{type(topics)}" as "topics". Expect list of topic names')

        if not isinstance(documents, list):
            raise TypeError(
                f'Got "{type(documents)}" as "documents". Expect list of document ids')

        word_topic_relatednesses = self._get_word_topic_relatednesses(model)

        topic_document_coherences = np.zeros((len(topics), len(documents)))
        document_indices_with_topic_coherence = defaultdict(list)

        if not self._verbose:
            document_enumeration = enumerate(documents)
            document_enumeration = tqdm.tqdm(
                enumerate(documents), total=len(documents), file=sys.stdout

        for document_index, document in document_enumeration:
            for topic_index, topic in enumerate(topics):
                # TODO: read document text only once for all topics
                topic_coherence = self._compute_coherence(
                    topic, document, word_topic_relatednesses)

                if topic_coherence is not None:
                    topic_document_coherences[topic_index, document_index] = topic_coherence

        topic_coherences = [
            topic_document_coherences[topic_index, document_indices_with_topic_coherence[topic]]
            if len(document_indices_with_topic_coherence) > 0 else list()
            for topic_index, topic in enumerate(topics)

        return dict(zip(
             if len(coherence_values) > 0 else None
             for coherence_values in topic_coherences]

    def _get_topics(model):
        return list(model.get_phi().columns)

    def _get_word_topic_relatednesses(self, model) -> pd.DataFrame:
        phi = model.get_phi()

        word_topic_probs = self._get_word_topic_probs(phi)

        if self._specificity_estimation_method == SpecificityEstimationMethod.NONE:

        elif self._specificity_estimation_method == SpecificityEstimationMethod.AVERAGE:
            word_topic_probs[:] = (
                word_topic_probs.values -
                    np.sum(word_topic_probs.values, axis=1, keepdims=True) /  # noqa E131
                        max(word_topic_probs.shape[1], 1)  # noqa E131

        elif self._specificity_estimation_method == SpecificityEstimationMethod.MAXIMUM:
            new_columns = []

            for t in word_topic_probs.columns:
                new_column = (
                    word_topic_probs[t].values -
                        word_topic_probs[word_topic_probs.columns.difference([t])].values, axis=1)

            word_topic_probs[:] = np.array(new_columns).T

        return word_topic_probs

    def _get_word_topic_probs(self, phi: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        if self._word_topic_relatedness == WordTopicRelatednessType.PWT:
            return phi

        elif self._word_topic_relatedness == WordTopicRelatednessType.PTW:
            # Treat all topics as equally probable
            eps = np.finfo(float).tiny

            pwt = phi
            pwt_values = pwt.values

            return pd.DataFrame(
                data=pwt_values / (pwt_values.sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) + eps)

        assert False

    def _compute_coherence(self, topic, document, word_topic_relatednesses):
        assert isinstance(self._computation_method, ComputationMethod)

        words = self._get_words(document)

        if self._computation_method == ComputationMethod.SUM_OVER_WINDOW:
            average_sum_over_window = self._sum_relatednesses_over_window(
                topic, words, word_topic_relatednesses

            return average_sum_over_window

        topic_segment_length, topic_segment_weight = self._compute_segment_characteristics(
            topic, words, word_topic_relatednesses

        if self._computation_method == ComputationMethod.SEGMENT_LENGTH:
            return topic_segment_length

        elif self._computation_method == ComputationMethod.SEGMENT_WEIGHT:
            return topic_segment_weight

    def _get_words(self, document):
        def get_biggest_modality_or_default():
            modalities = list(self._dataset.get_possible_modalities())

            if len(modalities) == 0:
                return DEFAULT_ARTM_MODALITY

            modalities_vocabulary_sizes = list(map(
                lambda m: self._dataset.get_dataset().loc[m].shape[0],

            return modalities[np.argmax(modalities_vocabulary_sizes)]

        if self._text_type == TextType.RAW_TEXT:
            text = self._dataset.get_source_document(document).values[0, 0]  # TODO: this way?
            modality = get_biggest_modality_or_default()

            return list(map(lambda w: (modality, w), text.split()))

        if self._text_type == TextType.VW_TEXT:
            text = self._dataset.get_vw_document(document).values[0, 0]  # TODO: this way?

            words = []
            modality = None

            # TODO: there was similar bunch of code somewhere...
            for word in text.split()[1:]:  # skip document id
                if word.startswith(MODALITY_START_SYMBOL):
                    modality = word[1:]


                word = word.split(':')[0]

                if modality is not None:
                    word = (modality, word)  # phi multiIndex
                    word = (DEFAULT_ARTM_MODALITY, word)


            return words

        assert False

    def _compute_segment_characteristics(
            self, topic, words, word_topic_relatednesses: pd.DataFrame
    ) -> Tuple[float, float]:

        topic_segment_lengths = []
        topic_segment_weights = []

        topic_index = word_topic_relatednesses.columns.get_loc(topic)
        word_topic_indices = np.argmax(word_topic_relatednesses.values, axis=1)

        def get_word_topic_index(word):
            if word not in word_topic_relatednesses.index:
                return -1
                return word_topic_indices[

        index = 0

        while index < len(words):
            original_index = index

            if get_word_topic_index(words[index]) != topic_index:
                index += 1


            segment_length = 1
            segment_weight = IntratextCoherenceScore._get_relatedness(
                words[index], topic, word_topic_relatednesses

            num_out_of_topic_words = 0

            index += 1

            while index < len(words) and num_out_of_topic_words < self._max_num_out_of_topic_words:
                if get_word_topic_index(words[index]) != topic_index:
                    num_out_of_topic_words += 1
                    segment_length += 1
                    segment_weight += IntratextCoherenceScore._get_relatedness(
                        words[index], topic, word_topic_relatednesses

                    num_out_of_topic_words = 0

                index += 1


            assert index > original_index

        if len(topic_segment_lengths) == 0:
            return None, None
            return np.mean(topic_segment_lengths), np.mean(topic_segment_weights)

    def _sum_relatednesses_over_window(
            self, topic, words, word_topic_relatednesses) -> float:

        topic_index = word_topic_relatednesses.columns.get_loc(topic)
        word_topic_indices = np.argmax(word_topic_relatednesses.values, axis=1)

        def get_word_topic_index(word):
            if word not in word_topic_relatednesses.index:
                return -1
                return word_topic_indices[

        def find_next_topic_word(starting_index: int) -> int:
            index = starting_index

            while index < len(words) and\
                    get_word_topic_index(words[index]) != topic_index:
                index += 1

            if index == len(words):
                return -1  # failed to find next topic word

            return index

        word_index = find_next_topic_word(0)

        if word_index == -1:
            return None

        sums = list()

        while word_index < len(words) and word_index != -1:
            original_word_index = word_index

            window_lower_bound = word_index - int(np.floor(self._window // 2))
            window_upper_bound = word_index + int(np.ceil(self._window // 2))

            sum_in_window = np.sum(
                        w, topic, word_topic_relatednesses
                    for w in words[window_lower_bound:window_upper_bound]


            word_index = find_next_topic_word(window_upper_bound)

            assert word_index > original_word_index or word_index == -1

        return np.mean(sums)

    def _get_relatedness(
            word, topic, word_topic_relatednesses: pd.DataFrame) -> float:

        if word in word_topic_relatednesses.index:
            return word_topic_relatednesses.loc[word, topic]

        # TODO: throw Warning or log somewhere?
        return np.mean(word_topic_relatednesses.values)


Static methods

def load(path: str)




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def load(cls, path: str):



    score: IntratextCoherenceScore

    with open(path, 'rb') as f:
        score = dill.load(f)

    if not score._keep_dataset:
        score._dataset = None
        score._dataset = Dataset(

    return score

Instance variables

var datasetDataset
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def dataset(self) -> Dataset:
    return self._dataset


def compute(self, model: BaseModel, topics: List[str] = None, documents: List[str] = None) ‑> Dict[str, Union[float, NoneType]]
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def compute(
        model: BaseModel,
        topics: List[str] = None,
        documents: List[str] = None
) -> Dict[str, Optional[float]]:

    if not isinstance(model, BaseModel):
        raise TypeError(
            f'Got "{type(model)}" as "model". '
            f'Expect it to derive from "BaseModel"')

    if topics is None:
        topics = IntratextCoherenceScore._get_topics(model)

    if documents is None:
        documents = list(self._documents)

    if not isinstance(topics, list):
        raise TypeError(
            f'Got "{type(topics)}" as "topics". Expect list of topic names')

    if not isinstance(documents, list):
        raise TypeError(
            f'Got "{type(documents)}" as "documents". Expect list of document ids')

    word_topic_relatednesses = self._get_word_topic_relatednesses(model)

    topic_document_coherences = np.zeros((len(topics), len(documents)))
    document_indices_with_topic_coherence = defaultdict(list)

    if not self._verbose:
        document_enumeration = enumerate(documents)
        document_enumeration = tqdm.tqdm(
            enumerate(documents), total=len(documents), file=sys.stdout

    for document_index, document in document_enumeration:
        for topic_index, topic in enumerate(topics):
            # TODO: read document text only once for all topics
            topic_coherence = self._compute_coherence(
                topic, document, word_topic_relatednesses)

            if topic_coherence is not None:
                topic_document_coherences[topic_index, document_index] = topic_coherence

    topic_coherences = [
        topic_document_coherences[topic_index, document_indices_with_topic_coherence[topic]]
        if len(document_indices_with_topic_coherence) > 0 else list()
        for topic_index, topic in enumerate(topics)

    return dict(zip(
         if len(coherence_values) > 0 else None
         for coherence_values in topic_coherences]
def save(self, path: str) ‑> NoneType
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def save(self, path: str) -> None:
    dataset = self._dataset
    self._dataset = None

    with open(path, 'wb') as f:
        dill.dump(self, f)

    self._dataset = dataset

Inherited members

class ScoreExample (name: str = None, token_threshold: float = 0.001, should_compute: Callable[[int], bool] = None)

Example score that calculates average size of topic kernel across all topics. We inherit from BaseScore in order to have self.value property and self.update() method (the internal logic of TopicNet relies on them)


name of the score
token_threshold : float
what probabilities to take as token belonging to the topic
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class ScoreExample(BaseScore):
    Example score that calculates
    average size of topic kernel across all topics.
    We inherit from BaseScore in order to have self.value property and self.update() method
    (the internal logic of TopicNet relies on them)

    def __init__(
            name: str = None,
            token_threshold: float = 1e-3,
            should_compute: Callable[[int], bool] = None):

            name of the score
        token_threshold : float
            what probabilities to take as token belonging to the topic

        super().__init__(name=name, should_compute=should_compute)

        self.threshold = token_threshold

    def call(self, model, **kwargs):
        Method that calculates the score

        model : TopicModel

        score : float
            mean kernel size for all topics in the model

        phi = model.get_phi().values
        score = np.sum((phi > self.threshold).astype('int'), axis=0).mean()

        return score



def call(self, model, **kwargs)

Method that calculates the score


model : TopicModel


score : float
mean kernel size for all topics in the model
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def call(self, model, **kwargs):
    Method that calculates the score

    model : TopicModel

    score : float
        mean kernel size for all topics in the model

    phi = model.get_phi().values
    score = np.sum((phi > self.threshold).astype('int'), axis=0).mean()

    return score

Inherited members

class SemanticRadiusScore (batch_vectorizer, name: str = None)

This score implements cluster semantic radius, described in paper 'Проверка гипотезы условной независимости для оценивания качества тематической кластеризации' by Rogozina A. At the core this score helps to discover topics uniformity. The lower this score - better


Name of the score
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class SemanticRadiusScore(BaseScore):
    This score implements cluster semantic radius, described in paper
    'Проверка гипотезы условной независимости 
    для оценивания качества тематической кластеризации' by Rogozina A.
    At the core this score helps to discover topics uniformity.
    The lower this score - better
    """  # noqa: W291
    def __init__(self, batch_vectorizer, name: str = None):

            Name of the score


        self.batch_vectorizer = batch_vectorizer

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(batch_vectorizer={self.batch_vectorizer!r})'

    def update(self, score):
        known_errors = (ValueError, TypeError)
            score = np.array(score, float)
        except known_errors:
            raise ValueError(f'Score call should return list of float but not {score}')

    def call(self, model, max_sampled_document_len=None, sample_step=5, sample_size=3, alpha=0.1):

        model : TopicModel
        max_sampled_document_len : int
            Maximum length of pseudo-document for quantile regression
            (Default value = None)
        sample_step : int
            Grain for quantile regression
            (Default value = 5)
        sample_size : int
            Size of every sample for quantile regression  
            (Default value = 3)
        alpha : float
            (1 - alpha) quantile level, must be <= 1  
            (Default value = 0.1)

        """  # noqa: W291
        ntdw, ntd, nwt, nt = calculate_n(model._model, self.batch_vectorizer)

        if max_sampled_document_len is None:
            max_sampled_document_len = int(np.max(ntd.values))

        regression_coeffs = radii_vs_ntd(
            max_sampled_document_len, sample_step, sample_size, nwt, nt, alpha
        radii = [
            radius_for_ntd(topic_ntd, coeff)
            for topic_ntd, coeff
            in zip(ntd.values.mean(axis=1), regression_coeffs)

        return radii



def call(self, model, max_sampled_document_len=None, sample_step=5, sample_size=3, alpha=0.1)


model : TopicModel
max_sampled_document_len : int
Maximum length of pseudo-document for quantile regression (Default value = None)
sample_step : int
Grain for quantile regression (Default value = 5)
sample_size : int
Size of every sample for quantile regression
(Default value = 3)
alpha : float
(1 - alpha) quantile level, must be <= 1
(Default value = 0.1)
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def call(self, model, max_sampled_document_len=None, sample_step=5, sample_size=3, alpha=0.1):

    model : TopicModel
    max_sampled_document_len : int
        Maximum length of pseudo-document for quantile regression
        (Default value = None)
    sample_step : int
        Grain for quantile regression
        (Default value = 5)
    sample_size : int
        Size of every sample for quantile regression  
        (Default value = 3)
    alpha : float
        (1 - alpha) quantile level, must be <= 1  
        (Default value = 0.1)

    """  # noqa: W291
    ntdw, ntd, nwt, nt = calculate_n(model._model, self.batch_vectorizer)

    if max_sampled_document_len is None:
        max_sampled_document_len = int(np.max(ntd.values))

    regression_coeffs = radii_vs_ntd(
        max_sampled_document_len, sample_step, sample_size, nwt, nt, alpha
    radii = [
        radius_for_ntd(topic_ntd, coeff)
        for topic_ntd, coeff
        in zip(ntd.values.mean(axis=1), regression_coeffs)

    return radii

Inherited members